A bath bomb by any other name

This story about highstreet bath-bomb purveyors Lush and their naming spat with Amazon has caught our eye. Apparently, Amazon were using a version of Lush’s name to flog their own cosmetic lines, until a High Court judge stepped in this week.

Now naughty old Lush have trademarked the name of the UK managing director of Amazon, Christopher North, and named a shower gel after him. With the strapline ‘rich, thick and full of it’.

They’re having fun with the product description, too. ‘Kindle a new love for your skin: its not taxing to take care of your skin with this product packed with Amazon Prime ingredients.’

Lush clearly understand the power of a David and Goliath story. We have to say, we can’t wait to hear how this one turns out.

0 min read, posted in Naming, by Admin, on 14 Feb 2014

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