An offer you can't refuse

It's always good to read a well written, interesting opinion piece. Even better when the opinion is one you actually agree with.

Yesterday we tweeted about this article about pointless, annoying legalese in email sign-offs, from Anyone who's stumbled across our blog before, been to one of our workshops or even just spoken to anyone from The Writer for five minutes will be able to see why we love it.

We bang on about this sort of thing all the time.

Your email sign-off is a really public part of your tone of voice, so why not think about it more?

Because we feel so strongly about it, we're offering to rewrite corporate email disclaimers (for free). We'll do the first three who get in touch.

So give us your worst, corporate legal teams.

0 min read, posted in Tone of voice, by Admin, on 6 Jun 2011

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