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Case study: i-Health

A winning formula for health brands

0 min read, tagged in Writing, Consulting and in Brand & marketing.

How do you make boric acid sound human?

One umbrella company, three health brands, 50 of their best products. Each brand needed a distinct tone of voice and fresh, relatable pack copy.

How were we going to humanise all the rigorous science that went into making these supplements?

They talked about microbes, infection, menopause. Tummy-wobbling topics unpleasant to think about. But we knew the right tone could turn consternation into curiosity. So we set ourselves the goal of humanising science.  

We gave each brand a unique character – its role in the customer’s life

Culturelle was a guru. AZO was a liberator. Estroven was a counsellor. We translated those personas into writing styles, tackling content, wording and pace.  

Oodles of personality injected into 50 packs

The science was overwhelming. It became a barrier in the customer journey and made a lot of shoppers sceptical.

We decluttered and stripped each product packaging of the hairy, scary stuff, making shopping for a health supplement easy and reassuring. No wading through unexplained technical terms and huge disclaimers. The science was still there, 100% cleared up and demystified.  

The winning formula: Human first, scientist second

Each tone of voice became a three-part formula: Human + Scientist + Personality. Three easy and logical components to help people at DSM-iHealth find the perfect blend of words for their brand voice.

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