Case study: American Express
A UX style guide for Amex
0 min read, tagged in Consulting, Writing and in Brand & marketing.
Getting the Amex voice into every button, label and error message
We created the American Express tone of voice. And now, we’re working with them to make sure their voice comes through loud and clear, even on the UX level.
To do that, we're finessing the UX style guide to make it as concise and user-focused as possible.
We're diving deep on microcopy
Places like error messages and CTAs, where voice is often overlooked. We’re combing through transaction notices and confirmation emails to look for spots where language can work harder to make meaning clear.
We'll round out our style guide updates with best practices and "this or that" guidance on potential hurdles for UX designers and writers down the line.
Ready for more Amex knowledge? Keep reading here.