Case study: RBS
HR comms that drive measurable results
0 min read, tagged in Consulting, Writing, Training and in Brand & marketing.
Cold and confusing is not a great tone for HR - and it can lead to people not coming on board or getting the most from their time at a company.
RBS HR asked us to transform their writing to be clear, simple and empathetic - to put human engagement back into HR.
From first impressions to lasting benefits
We ran workshops with various teams, and delved deep into their words, to understand their processes, problems and the potential for change.
We rewrote all the letters, emails and support packs sent to candidates and new recruits. And, rewrote all their pay guides for managers, making them shorter and easier to read. We cut the word count on the benefits portal by 55,000 and gave every benefit a consistent structure.
What was the impact
20% Fewer people dropped out of the recruitment process
400% More click-throughs to the managers’ pay guides. And people spent 270% longer reading them.
50% More sign-ups for the RBSelect discount card.
20% Drop in calls about the benefits process – saving 850 hours.
Putting the 'H' back in HR
We helped them onboard people, not drive them overboard and took the pain out of pay chats. Ultimately, we helped give their people a better experience of RBS.
Want more RBS stories? Click here for another case study.